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Church of the Intercession in the village Besedin
Schepotin Nikita
15 years old, Secondary school ¹ 27 named A.A.Deineka
Work is done in the technique of "pencil" under the artistic direction under Leontevoj Eleny Vladimirovny.
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Ëþäà. [20.09.2012, 19:55]
Ðèñóíîê î÷åíü õîðîøèé, áûòü òåáå àðõèòåêòîðîì. |
Àñÿ Ïåòðîâà [29.08.2012, 15:31]
Êðàñèâûé, âûðàçèòåëüíûé ðèñóíîê. È òåõíèêà ðàáîòû êàðàíäàøîì äîñòîéíàÿ. |
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